Friday 24 February 2012

Laughter Therapy

There’s nothing like a good laugh to forget all your worries. Have you ever noticed when your having a hard time in work everything is going wrong then at the end of the day you’ve had a good laugh with your friends and all your troubles seem to vanish,well thats the power of laughter.The healing properties of laughter have been around since biblical times; in the book of Proverbs, you’ll find this advice: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine
 Since then, numerous studies have found that while laughter isn’t necessarily the best medicine, it’s pretty darn good. For example, a study conducted at UCLA found that watching funny shows increased children’s tolerance for pain, which could be helpful when tiny patients have to undergo big procedures . At the University of Maryland, researchers found that groups that watched humorous films experienced an increase in blood flow           
That could be because laughter has been called internal jogging, and it may confer all the psychological benefits of a good workout . The act of laughing stimulates hormones calledcatecholamines, which in turn release the happy juice — endorphins. With endorphins surging through our bloodstream, we’re more apt to feel happy and relaxed. With each laugh, therefore, we’re relieving stress, reducing anxiety and increasing our stores of personal energy. All of these psychological and physiological results are wonderful tools in coping with illness, a hospital stay or even just a cranky coworker.
Since Hunter Doherty(Patch) Adams a doctor brought it to light in 1970. He founded the Gesundheit clinic in 1971 since then clinics and groups have been popping up everywhere 
If anyone  would like to post anything funny jokes, stories,etc YOUR WELCOME  we could all do with a good laugh  

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